Monday, October 3, 2011


Here is a close up of the rat to show your parents -what did you think about it all?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

busy week

Hi team A few reminders of our busy last week of term...

Monday - rat dissection

Tuesday - Junior Production at OGHS

Wednesday - Athletics day

Thursday - Mufti Day (Gold coin please) and shared lunch and fun day...

Friday - Ms D fly's to Lisbon!
Time for some raffles - find out - about rats....or...find me things to do in Lisbon-Barcelona and Valencia.... See you on Monday! Ms D

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Congratulations to

Well done Tarren!

Writer of the Month in the extra newspaper!! Well done Tarren and enjoy your new novel that you won as a prize!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Congratulations to

Well done to OSCAR McGUIRE! coming third in the Balmacewen writing competition! Well done Osc! We are proud of you!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hi room 7

Hi everyone
I am at home with a very sickly vomiting boy...I hope I manage not to get sick too! Please remember on your ASPIRE... have you got....
*Back ground research
*Progress report - how is your life different by making the change?

*Photographs to provide evidence of your change taking place *The introduction to your persuasive argument that highlights why the change needed to take place

Keep blogging! I miss you all!
Ms D