Monday, July 25, 2011

Snow day!!

Hey guys! how are you and your families coping in the snow?? email me any snow pics or holiday snaps and I'll put them up here. My email address is My drama of the day is we have run out of milk!! no cups of coffee for me!! Stay warm and safe! Ms D x


  1. Hi Ya Ms Downie!

    BRRRRRRRR its cold!!!!!

    The hat I got in the raffle draw is a life savour!!!
    We were having a snowball fight but since it had also been hailing it was pretty hard snowballs!!!!

  2. NEVER walk down to a supermarket with a brother who likes throwing snowballs and a sister that moans and a mother that hates the cold and a father that does not want to talk and you forgot your hat and not wearing enough clothes!!!!!!!!!!

  3. What hat jenna tell u one thing is that when i was building the snowman it was keep on falling off i got so mad that when i finally build it i kicked it off i fell really bad and cold.We have our firewood in the garage and when i was about to go and get some it was covered with snow i was freezing out there taking all the snow off and it still did not work my brother got paronoid and chucked snowballs and i was shoacking cold wet.

  4. my story is that me, my brother, and my dad were out in Karitane and when we tried to come back into Dunedin we got stuck in a line of traffic because the road was closed.

    After we got tired of waiting in the queue dad decided to take one of his famous 'short-cuts',(famous because they always turn into
    'long-cuts')so he took another road hoping to get into town a different way,anyway to cut a long story short it turned out the road was a dead end and then we got stuck in a snow-drift.

    Anyway, the journey that would have taken 30 min normally, turned into a 2 hour adventure.

  5. Mol, that is way more impressive than running out of milk!!
    Ms D

  6. hehehe nice story Mol
