Monday, February 28, 2011

Canterbury Earthquake Appeal

Balmacewen will be busy this week raising funds for the people so badly in need in Christchurch. There are a number of events happening this week, you can help by participating in:
  • Guessing the number of lollies in the jar - 50cents a guess
  • Coin trail on Wednesday - 10cents through to $2
  • Mufti Day on Friday - RED and BLACK if possible please - $2

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Wahoooooooooooo! What an amazing few days eh? What was your highlight, mine would have been the 7:30am starts...rather than my usual 6am! .....not really, I LOVED watching you all on the confidence course and the rafting made me laugh so hard.
5 raffle tickets go to anyone who visits and creates a display about their camp thoughts.

What's on this week? final swimsation lesson on Tuesday, Room 11's assembly on Friday and perhaps we will finalise a trip to the Early Settlers Museum in a few weeks, watch this space...

What do you think about our new raffle ticket system? Let me know!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Let's play golf!

Wow, watch out Tiger Woods ~ We have some amazing golf swingers out there!! Which is your favourite photo and why?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Können sprechen deutsch

Hi everyone!

How did you enjoy your introductory lesson to the German language? Chris Durrant is an award winning languages teacher so we are very lucky to have him teaching us this term.

What's on this week? there will be loads of notices going home regarding camp; medical forms etc to fill out, so please make sure you return this asap.

Tell me, what music lessons have you signed up for? let me know!

See you tomorrow~ Ms D

Monday, February 7, 2011

Well done to ...

Jorge! He was the first person in Room 7 2011 to receive a class certificate in assembly on Friday! Tino Pai Jorge! Who can remember what it was for?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 2

Hi Room 7,
How was your first week? I know I was very tired by the time Friday rolled around! Were you?

Did any of you get out in the 30degree heat today? My family and I went to the beach for 2 hours, it was fantastic to be able to spend Waitangi Day in the sun and surrounded by fellow Dunedinites! What did your Whanau do for Waitangi Day?

A few important things happening this week that you need to be aware of....
Swimming lessons begin on Tuesday; if your parents are helping us walk down to Moana Pool then they need to be at school for 9am please!

Also, who can tell me what is happening at 6:30pm on Wednesday evening? I really look forward to meeting all your parents and caregivers and hope that they can attend.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow for the start of a great week! Ms D