Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Body bits

What is the most interesting thing you have learnt so far in our topic? Don't forget to write any questions onto a bone and staple them to the wall.

What do you enjoy most about ukulele (I hope it's not watching me struggle!)

How is your anatomy museum homework going?

See you in the AM

Ms D

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ms D!
    I love ukulele so much it's difficult to list reasons. I think you won't struggle so much as the lessons go on, and as to topic, I really need to scrub up on my knowledge of bones, and dissecting a rat.... ugh!
    Pubertal change is the only thing I know about the body at all. Something about.. by the way, only girls should read past this point if boys don't wish to hear about our changes.
    We get periods, when menstrual blood comes out the pubic area(y'know, between your legs) and stuff like cramps and mood swings- more on that later. When my mum had to do a dissection on a rat, she wouldn't because she had pet rats.
    As to the anatomy homework, it's a disaster...
