Sunday, August 14, 2011


Hi everyone, well it is 2:12pm on Sunday and it is SERIOUSLY snowing....I haven't heard weather it is a snow day tomorrow but I'll let you know via the blog asap if I hear. I've skyped Mr Clarke so maybe he will know!

Email me photos to

Ms D
(Stay warm!!)


  1. im not allowed to go outside :P

  2. Lol Emma :)
    Hey ms d hope u r keeping warm me and Steph r in bed electric blanket on playing on phones! Steph is staying here again 2night cos cnt get home but we r both happy about that! Hope to see you tomorrow otherwise have a good snow day! :)

  3. Hi girls, yes Mia I bet you are happy about that!!
    I have just made double chocolate chip cookies, and Thom and I were in bed too with the electric blankets on watching Disney channel!!

    brrrr. I am cooooooooooold!!

    Ms Dx

  4. Lol Emmz:)
    Ummmmmm sounds good :P. Can you spare us some :) jokes. X
    It's too cold to do anything !!
    Hope you have fun with Thomas . Has Mr Clark skyped back?
    Steph and Mia x :)

  5. hey
    thats sounds fun i am stuck in my room nothing much to do i think i will come fat in this cold i have been stuffing my self from morning and i am doing nothing

  6. Lol Nesha... Why were you stuck in your room, were you in trouble¿?

  7. Hello ms downie have you hear If we have school tomorrow ? :) Oh and if we dint I wil probably will be watching glee season 1 so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Whoops I mean heard my bad

  9. Sorry I am typing on my sisters I pod so it's really hard tehe :) oh and mum let me go outside it was so much fun

  10. Well toodles hahahaha sorry now I'm really going to go :)

  11. Ha!!! Sounds pretty much to me that Room 7 are keeping phalanges [you have 10!!!] crossed for a serious snow day tomorrow Ms D!
    I am just about to go up and check the sheep and their lambs, so hope they have a snuggly warm spot to shelter in, and hope you are all keeping warm. Keep your eyes on the snow!! Ms L.

  12. Haven't heard yet guys sorry...the decision is made by Principals that live on the hills, (which is not Mr Clarke) so I guess it's a waiting game.........Mark just came back from boxing and said "you won't be going anywhere tomorrow"....

    Stay warm, safe and send me photos!!!
    Ms D x

  13. Haha I hope the sheep are coaping (is that how you spell it I pods don't have spell check bummer ae)

  14. no stef not in trouble i have not much to do and i was eating a lot so i stayed in side my room so i wont eat

  15. oooh I have just realised I have made a big fat spelling / grammar error - some homemade double choc chip cookie for the winner...(and if they are all eaten then a $2 canteen voucher!)

  16. hey ms D
    ur spelling/grammer mistake was your comment about u being in bed and watching tv,
    u said "thom and i WERE in bed too" i think u ment 2 say we're.

  17. Hey ms downie
    Is there a competiton??

  18. Hi Mol, nope that wasn't it, we WERE in bed (as in past tense) as opposed to we're (we are) as I didn't have my laptop with me in bed ! keep trying!

    Mol, did I tell you that I really liked your poem from the 10 things to take to space! was great!

  19. noooooooooo
    4get i said anything
    the real answer is in the blog post
    u said "i have'nt heard WEATHER....."
    u should have said whether.

  20. thanks 4 ur last comment Ms Downie ;)

  21. Yes Molly, you're correct!!! cookies (if there are any left) are coming your way tomorrow...or Tuesday...or perhaps even Wednesday!!

    thanks ms d

  23. Oh yes I knew that I thought it was one of ur jokes!

  24. What r we going to do bout the anatomy museum? Is there a postponement day?
